Jennifer Case

I was that kid who covered my schoolwork in curly doodles, filling the borders with intricate scribbles and designs.  I was that kid who filled her pockets with rocks and shells, drawn to some interesting twist or scar. Taken home, these treasures were proudly displayed on a windowsill for all to see.  I’m still that kid; I still doodle and collect rocks, and my windowsills are filled with treasures I've found. I can be easily distracted by the way light shines through the trees or how rocks change color after it rains.

To me, making art is like solving a puzzle while creating each piece as you go. I enjoy problem-solving, taking what’s in my imagination and creating something while using stained glass, broken dishes, tile, shells, and found or recycled items as the palette. I am inspired by nature and the beauty around us. I love to create birds, fish, animals, flowers, and faces. In 2024, I retired from an international non-profit, which, during my 26-year career, allowed me to spend my days outdoors, constantly inspired by the natural world around me.

My mosaics can be dimensional, flat, opaque, or transparent; I love letting the materials speak to the subject. I also paint, quilt, and make jewelry. My drive to create gets me up every day and keeps me awake most nights. Mosaics have combined my artistic interests—color, composition, piecing, tools, and problem-solving—in one medium. I made my first mosaic in 2018 and continue to learn something new with every piece.


“This Artist’s Mosaic Pieces Together the History of Bison and Their Ongoing Role in US Land Management”, International Land Conservation Network, February 2025

“Jennifer Case Mosaic Art”, A is for Artistic, Spring edition 2021


Glacier Creek Preserve, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska. Commissioned Regal Fritillary art work for outdoor installation, October 2023

Gathering Place for Community Arts and Education, Clarks Summit, PA. “Bears in the Summit” juried community art exhibition, 2021

Wayne County Arts Alliance, Honesdale, PA. “The Great Wall of Honesdale”, juried competition, 2020

The Studio School of Mullany Art Studios, Flint Hill, VA. Community Sunflower Mural, September 2019

The Ruins, Rachel Sager, Perryopolis, PA. “Beehive coke-oven” exterior installation, May 2018


Gallery at 530 Main, Stroudsburg, PA, December - February 2025

Hazleton Art League, Plein Air Show, Hazleton, PA November 2024

White Haven Art Walk, September 2024

Pocono Arts Council Member Show, Stroudsburg, PA, First Place in Mixed Media, April - May 2024

2nd Annual Women’s Art Show, Middle Smithfield Cultural Center, East Stroudsburg, PA, group exhibit, March 2024

Hazleton Art League Member Show, Hazleton, PA, group exhibit, February 2024

Wild Elder Wine & Cider Co., Jim Thorpe, PA - Solo art exhibition, September 2023

Artists for Art, Scranton, PA. “3 - D” sculpture and 3D works of art juried group exhibit - March 2023

Wayne County Arts Alliance, Honesdale, PA. “Metamorphosis”, group exhibit September - November, 2022

Antoine Dutot Museum and Gallery, Delaware Water Gap, PA. “Women in Nature”, group exhibit, July - August, 2022

Wild Elder Wine and Cider Co., Jim Thorpe, PA. Solo art exhibition, December 2021 – January 2022

Missing Pieces Gallery, Honesdale, PA. Solo art exhibition, October – December 2021

Lake Wales Arts Council, Lake Wales Florida. “Sticky Steve” Art Exhibit, September 2020

Pocono Arts Council, Stroudsburg PA. Annual member show, first place award, 2019

WCAA, Honesdale, PA. Open Studio tour, spring 2019

Pocono Arts Alliance, Stroudsburg, PA. “Earth Speaks” juried show, 2018


Pocono Lake, PA. Beginner Mosaic Workshop, 2020

Pocono Lake, PA. Beginner Mosaic Workshop, 2019